The Race for the Chase

It has officially began. The Chase is on and I am in last place. Not sure how this happened but let me explain. After the first 26 races, I was leading the points between myself, Brian, and my dad in out little Fantasy Nascar game. However, when we reset the points for the Chase, indeed I some how ended up in last place. Go figure. Whoever set these rules, Brian who is now in first, did a horrible job. Can we say...UNFAIR!

Now that my little rant is over, the first race of the Chase is over and for this week I picked Denny. Come on Denny!!! You were supposed to do better than this. Needless to say, Denny got me nada with points. Dad picked Johnson and Brian picked Gordon and of course they did well. So with that said, I am officially last in the Chase as we speak. I will have the actually points as soon as NASCAR makes them official.

What I can't wait to see is the new number Jr. is going to be sporting next season. I pray, oh how I pray, that it has an 8 in it somewhere! I realize that the numbers don't make the drivers, but come on you die-hard NASCAR fans, you know you would stick by that drivers number in life and death! I guess we will see soon won't we.

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