I'm A Tool???

Hehe...this is too funny. There is a cute quiz running around out there. I found it at R-C-S, the online group that I belong to. So, the question remains WHAT SCRAPBOOKING TOOL ARE YOU?.

**(Elevator music playing whilst I quiz myself)**

Da dada da!

You are Fibers!

Fun and crazy at times. You are a warm fuzzy kind of person. You run around getting things done but still find time for fun! You have so many diverse interests that it is often hard to pin you down to any one thing. People love your friendly attitude and carefree ways. You often brighten other people's days. But Fibers Beware - Sometimes people don't take you seriously because of your happy-go-lucky ways. Sometimes you find yourself feeling left out from decision making that could directly affect you. Even though you like to be happy and cheerful, make sure others know that you can also be serious and in tune with reality.

3305 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 40333 times.
20% of people had this result.

**Good news...I am feeling a little better today but now my boyfriend is getting sick :( Poor Feller.

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