It is time for Mission Soldier Support!
I have a new batch of Christmas cards listed at my store, One of each design will be sent overseas to our soldiers so they can have handmade greetings to send back to their family.
The others will available for purchase in my Etsy store. I am doing a very cool project this year called Mission Soldier Support where any card (Christmas or otherwise) purchased in my store from October 1 to November 7 can be sent to soldiers overseas. Simply put MSS or Mission Solder Support in the comments to seller (me) and I will place that card to the side and ship it to our project coordinator who will in turn ship a huge bundle of cards overseas. Last year, this project sent over 1700 cards to our soldiers. I think we need to shoot for a new record! Also, the shipping you pay to me will be sent with the card to help with shipping overseas.
So, will you help us break our record?
If you are not interested in purchasing a card from my shop, feel free to send a card of your own. Contact me to let me know you will be sending a handmade Christmas card for Mission Solder Support and I can give you my address.
If you are not into making cards but you would like to contribute a monetary donation please let me know. I will use your monetary donation to create a Christmas card to be sent on your behalf. You can also send a monetary donation to assist with our shipping costs. Again, just contact me for my information. I would be glad to accept money through Paypal which is simple and secure.
I am very excited and proud to be a part of this. So, check out my cards. If they are not listed in my shop when you read this, they will be listed soon.
Color Throwdown 827-One in a Melon
4 days ago
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